Friday, April 22, 2011

Eye Sore or Eye Candy?

 Some people may consider the junk that lays around behind houses and on random property's throughout Western North Carolina to be an eye sore. However, I see this "junk" as it is usually termed to be a great subject when it comes to taking photographs. There are various layers of history that make up these photographs, and each one of the pieces of "junk" has served a purpose at some point in time. There are many muted tones and colors that have deteriorated over the years in each of these pictures. One of the most exciting things for me when taking these shots is combining the right lighting, aperture, shutter speed, and white balance to bring the colors back to life! I hope you enjoy these! Thanks for looking!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Just a Little Different

Here are just a few more example of what I love to do! Thank you for taking a look!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Versatility Allows For Creativity

These next photos are from my fashion collection. This is one of my favorite photo shoots! A great model can really help make the photo shoot great! Liz Nance has an awesome personality and can convey a lot of passion through her expressions. People as a subject are one of the most difficult, there are so many different variables that come in to play when trying to capture a persons thoughts and feelings. Especially when the are in one of their must unnatural situations, in front of a camera and stranger(that leaves most people thinking they are in a state of vulnerability). The majority of people hate getting their picture and helping the person overcome that is a key element to capturing an amazing photograph. Being versatile can help you break down barriers and capitalize on the moment! 

Here is a taste of is what to come next post! (one of my favorites)