Thursday, April 12, 2012

Trip to Portlandia

Here is some of the standout photos from my trip to "Portlandia" last week. I had a great time in Portland, I could see myself living there sometime in the future. Portland is also a great place to take photos because it is always overcast and the colors are so true since the sun is not around to wash them out. At the end you will find some black and white photos that Portland also is great city for! Enjoy the photos!

These are the black and whites from the trip and they reminded me of how much i miss having a dark room and my little Pentax 35mm camera. I used to love working in the dark room at Western Carolina University after going out and taking multiple rolls of film worth of pictures without having the luxury of looking down at a instant playback screen to see if the shot came out how i wanted it to, you just had to have the confidence in your skills and knowledge of photography that the photos were going to come out great! That very confidence was very important though, because if your pictures did not come out then that probably meant you were not going to have anything for your weekly critique...and that would not be a good thing. However, it would be better not to have anything for a critique, than to have crappy pictures hanging on the wall...because then you are just begging for "constructive criticism" or "public humiliation", guess it depends on how tough your skin was.